Interview mit Ansur (12.07.2008)

ANSUR sind musikalisch derart eloquent, dass man ihre Einsilbigkeit im Interview mit Fragezeichen über dem Kopf wahrnimmt - Transkription ins Deutsche überflüssig…
Congratulations! - You have delivered one of the most unique albums this year as far as metal in a wider sense is concerned. It is an immensely gratifying record as it enables you to discover additional facets with every further listening.
Torstein: Thanks!
The album tells a story set in an apocalyptic scenario: what makes this tale any different from countless others that are related to world downfall, nuclear fall out and so on?
Torstein: Well, what’s different is that we wrote it! It was really the concept we felt the most connected to when the “Axiom“-lyrics were written.
For most people, you guys have appeared just out of nothing. Could you please give me a concise rundown through your band careers - in what groups did you play and with whom have you recorded anything?
Espen: It’s nothing to mention really. Torstein, Audun and I played in some kind of Pink Floyd tribute band when we were nine. The drumkit said ¨Attack¨ so that became the name of the band. Yeah, we were nine…
How do you manage to keep your music heavy - both literally as well as in a figurative sense - while you have a relatively small amount of distortion in your guitar sound?
Torstein: There is a good amount of distortion in my guitar sound. One fact is that there’s always like five or six guitars at all times playing different things with different sounds. For example two rhythm guitars, two acoustic guitars to back them up, and then maybe some leads or clean guitars with effects.What has influenced you to opt for such a non-metal approach to your instruments? Have you enjoyed some kind of musical education, are you self-taught, and what do you think in general: are genres like jazz, old progressive rock and metal able to merge into one another not only sonically, but also in terms of the particular attitudes and philosophies behind them?
Torstein: No, we’re mostly self-taught. Actually, the mix of genres is not intended to “unite“ them in their philosophies. They are more a tool we use to back up our own musical visions.
What motivates the country-elements and bar brawl sounds during “An Exercise in Depth of Field”? The same question could be asked about the conventional “kick ass” rock riffs here and there, if you know what I mean… is that a particular case of irony maybe?
Espen: No, it’s strictly coolness.
Torstein: It’s probably the most discussed part of the album, and it raises eyebrows no matter who the listener is. There’s few reviews where this part isn’t mentioned. It’s kind of a thing Van Der Graaf Generator did on the song “Sleepwalkers“. As far as the rock parts go, we could say putting extremely conventional parts in an unconventional album adds to the overall unpredictability.
Why have you chosen not to go for maximum brutality while tackling a relatively crass topic like post-war life in a polluted and devastated environment?
Torstein: It’s important that the musical directions we take are not governed by any limits, even our lyrical themes.
Is the excessive soloing owing to self-indulgence or another means to express something special? If the latter is the case, then what does the melodic richness mean in the conceptual context?
Torstein: Well, I think we make guitar music and it’s natural to have solos in the songs. It’s important to add an improvisational factor to the rest of the music, which is extremely calculated (the solos are highly improvised, the compositions are not). It also adds personality to the music.
You provided the press with explanations about the lyrics of your debut. Now there is no such thing How has the feedback been back then, and are you maybe a little disillusioned due to indifferent reactions?
Espen: We’ve only provided the press with a couple of clues because we want people to make up their own idea about our lyrics.
Torstein: Thankfully, indifferent reactions aren’t frequent when it comes to opinions about “Warring Factions“.
Go on tour, guys!
Torstein: We’re trying! Thanks for the interview.